Wine in the Winter

When the average person thinks of the Napa Valley, they think of the sun shining on the delicious and plush grapes on a grapevine. Many individuals feel as though they can not visit the glorious Napa and Sonoma Valley during the Winter time because they won’t be able to get the full experience.

Arguably so, some individuals say visiting this remarkable wine country region is the best during the winter season! Why you might ask… Well here are a few reasons why you should come visit the Napa and Sonoma Valley during the winter season. The Busy Season is Over! - This is an incredible reason to visit the beautiful valley during the off season because your visit will be much more intimate. Because the summer crowd is not around, you have a higher chance of meeting the makers! Get an insider’s look at the crafts community by tasting wine in the Napa and Sonoma Valley. The sun is still shining and the grape leaves are still advertising their beauty. There are Great Rates and Deals - The off-season for the wine industry usually begins around Halloween time and ends sometime near Easter. While this season is nicknamed the “off-season” fantastic wine is still being produced! There is just so much to taste in Napa and Sonoma Counties. Utilize the attractive pricing being offered by hotels and resorts throughout the Napa and Sonoma Valley. Stay longer for less! Wine is ALL year ‘round - One of the best tours of the Napa and Sonoma Wine Country is given by Platypus Wine Tours! The process is easy and priced very reasonably! The private tours that Platypus Wine Tours are absolutely unforgettable. Better yet? They are all year ‘round! You are welcome to visit the glorious Napa and Sonoma Valley any time of the year!


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